Friday, February 8, 2013

One Sentence a Day Project

There's a first time for everything. A master was once a beginner. Every journey starts with the first step. Need I continue? In an attempt to mesh all of those quotes into one sentence that hopefully make a little bit of sense, I'd simply state another quote:
 "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." (-Emerson)
What I'm trying to justify is the reason I'm starting my first project, "One Sentence a Day Project".

 I've tried several unsuccessful times to start a blog, and keep it going. I find that I only got around to writing when I was feeling "inspired" and was thinking a little "deeper" than usual. The problem with that is putting things into words is hard enough for an amateur, let alone writing about deep discussion-worthy ideas. But when attempting to just sit down and write about something, I'm like a fish being told to climb a tree. I've got nothing.

After getting advice several times, I've finally had the gumption to sit down and try it. I'm simply going to write at least one sentence a day. That's it. One sentence. It can be an observation, an idea, a quote, whatever I've come up with for the day. I've also contemplated doing one picture of something interesting I see a week. Maybe that'll be next month's (or year's) project once I've gotten the writing part under my belt.

But for now, Ladies and Gentleman,
Till tomorrow,

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