On January 1st, find a jar or container of some kind, and throughout the year, write about the good things that happen to you on little pieces of paper. On the next New Year's Eve, you can open it and reflect on all the amazing things that happened to you that year. You can include small objects that will remind you of good memories, and pictures.
I also love memory jars. In my seventh grade art class, we made memory jars. We ripped up construction paper and modge podged it all over some mason jars, then cut things from magazines and modged podged them on. After we decorated them to our personality we filled it with random things. Here are some Ideas:
To fill your jar:
- Notes from friends
- Pictures
- Pieces of paper with the good things that happened to you throughout the year
- Something small you made
- Pictures of your most prizes possessions with an explanations
- (My great-grandma went around her house and took pictures of all her prized possessions, and on the back explained why it mattered to her, then put who she wanted it to go to when she passed away. My mom still has her doll from her.)
- Recent newspaper snippets/current events
- Your favorite piece of jewelry you never wear anymore
- Heirlooms
My sister had a good time capsule filled with little get to know you pages. The questions were things like:
- Age, Grade
- School Subjects
- Favorite Color
- Favorite Movie
- Favorite Book
- Current Friends
- Current Crush
- Where you want to go to college
- Dream Vacation
- Where you want to live in the future
- Favorite Food
- Favorite Restaraunt
- Favorite Sport
- Wedding Wishes (where, colors, to whom, honeymoon)
- After Marriage Wishes
- Talents
- How Many Kids
- Future Kid Names
- Embarassing Moments
- Favorite Memory
The answers were pretty entertaining
I unburied my memory jar that I'm not aloud to open until graduation. I can't get the pictures to show up right, but I'll work on that.
It's better to start now than never!
If you don't want to put that much though into it, or you just a picture person, do a digital one. You can put pictures of anything and everything that will be good memories someday. There's a website called 1000memories.com that's basically an online shoe box for all of your pictures. You can upload them, scan them, and even take them with your iPhone and add them through the app. You can tag people, and make them private or share them with other members.It's been awesome to share the pictures with family, and fun just to click through old pictures.
Go have fun making your own!
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