Some people are ego-oriented, and base their success off of how many things they did well, how many people like them. But me? I'm a list-maker. I make lists for everything. To-do, Groceries, Homework Assignments, Books to Read. I even have a journal dedicated to lists for when I'm in the mood to brainstorm. Pathetic, I know.
But one of my favorite lists to make, is a Bucket List. Thanks to my "List Notebook" and Pinterest, I have written ideas, and image ideas. Some things aren't big bucket list items like go to Europe, but activities that would be fun to do someday. Like made eyes in the snow on someone's windshield:
Here are some things on my list:
1) Go to Europe (Italy, London, Paris, Switzerland, Germany, etc)
2) Go on a road trip with my friends our Senior Year
3) Go to College
4) Be a Mom
5) Have a career/be a teacher
6) Send a message in a bottle
7) Run the Dirty Dash
8) Play messy Twister: (Twister with paint)
9) Spend an entire day watching Disney Movies
10) Run a half or full Marathon
11) Throw a Dart on a map, and go where it lands/go on a spontaneous weekend trip
12) Go surfing
13) Fly a kite, and get it to stay up (I've never done this?!)
14) Put a piece of gum on the Seattle gum wall
(*Credit of images given to original sources)
...And more. But I'm done brainstorming for tonight. :)
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