Saturday, March 30, 2013

Don't think...too much.

Don't think too much. You'll create a problem that wasn't even there in the first place.

I love this quote because it's so true. It has started to become one of my pet peeves when people think too much. With debates, opinions, ideas, what they're going to wear that day, anything. When you get down to it, somethings just don't matter. Don't get me wrong. Everyone should have an opinion, and the ability to express it. But.... sorry to burst your bubble, your Facebook status isn't going to sway a national debate. Or help you decide how to get dressed in the morning.

And in comparison, some things lose their value. If you have a loved one who is suddenly diagnosed with cancer and has 3 weeks to live, those other worries aren't so much of a worry anymore.

Challenge? Don't stress. Life is going to be OK. Get something done, and quit worrying.


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